Trip 067 - August 25, 2014 (Monday)Elk-Thurston Trail HikeNear Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada Page 1 of 2 |
Liked: Numerous pleasant forest scenes, mountain views, and well-maintained trail. Of note: Elk View Road is winding and narrow. The trail is popular. Remote highway noise for much of the trail. Remote gunfire for much of the trail. The trail is moderately difficult with several fairly steep sections. Hiking boots are recommended. Hiking poles are highly recommended. Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Backroad Mapbook (2010 edition) Coordinates: Page 4 (Chilliwack) F5-G5. 103 Hikes in Southwestern British Columbia (2008 edition): hike #64. Other Trips in Chilliwack Area: Flora Lake Trail, Williams Ridge Trail, Mount Thom Lookout Loop Trail, Vedder Rotary Loop Trail, Teapot Hill Trail Hike, Chilliwack Dyke Trail, Greendrop Lake Trail, Mount Cheam Peak Trail, Ling Lake Trail Hike (off Chilliwack Foley FSR), Chilliwack Foley FSR, Chilliwack Bench FSR, Slesse Memorial Trail, Downtown Chilliwack BC Visit, Chilliwack Lake FSR, Radium Lake Trail, Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park, Minter Gardens, Town of Agassiz BC, Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park. Follow @ihikebc Tweet![]() Elk-Thurston Trail leads to Elk Mountain followed by Thurston Mountain. In the process, you reach a good Fraser Valley observation point. It's a medium-difficulty trail, popular with the locals due to close proximity to Chilliwack. If the sun is out, try to start hiking as early in the day as possible, as by noon the sun is already shining in your eyes, making the mountain views look rather hazy. 1. To get to Elk-Thurston Trail from Vancouver, there are several options, and this one is the most straightforward: take Highway 1 East to Exit 123 (Prest Road). Here we are on Highway 1 East between Abbotsford and Chilliwack.
2. Take Exit 123 (Prest Road) and then turn right (South).
3. Drive on Prest Road for five kilometers until Bailey Road.
4. After turning left onto Bailey Road, 700 meters later you would come to a split seen in the photo below, with Elk View Road on the right side. Stay right.
5. After steadily gaining elevation for 9.5 kilometers on Elk View Road, you would come to its end where it meets Lookout Road. Continue straight (as seen on the very right side of the photo below) onto Chilliwack Bench Forest Service Road.
6. At the beginning of Chilliwack Bench FSR, there is a map showing where in Chilliwack you can fire your gun, and also a sign asking to report all poachers and polluters by calling 1-877-952-7277.
7. Chilliwack Bench is a fairly smooth FSR, with a speed limit of 40 km/h. It eventually connects with Chilliwack Lake Road via Chilliwack Foley FSR, so taking Chilliwack Lake Road and then Chilliwack Foley FSR is the second way of reaching Elk-Thurston trailhead.
8. At about the one kilometer mark of Chilliwack Bench FSR, we are at the parking area for Elk-Thurston Trail. Elevation - 624 meters. This place is likely quite busy on weekends.
9. Chilliwack Bench FSR continues (the rest of it is covered in the next trip report), but we start hiking the trail seen on the left side.
10. The first half of the trail is the steepest, but pleasant forest scenes make up for the sweat.
11. In about forty minutes, you would reach this wide forest service road with an empty bulletin board. On the Backroads Map this road is shown as a convoluted dashed line, so, likely, it's not possible to drive up to this point, otherwise there probably would have been some vehicles parked here. The continuation of the trail is seen on the left side.
12. After the road, the path becomes even wider and steeper.
13. About an hour after crossing the road, the trail reaches this tree, which signals the arrival of impressive views.
14. The first attraction is the view of Fraser Valley. Alas, smog made the viewing opportunity less than ideal.
15. We were more impressed by the rock outcropping at the viewing area.
16. A really nice rock. And tons of smog in the background.
17. Though, in the foreground, the hills looked quite good.
Here is our video of the Fraser Valley as seen from Elk-Thurston trail.
More ihikebc videos are on our YouTube Channel. 18. Then, there were two chipmunks begging for food. This guy eventually found a nut and left us alone.
Our Elk-Thurston Trail Hike Trip Report Continues on Page 2.
Other Trips in Chilliwack BC Area:
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