Trip 066 - August 12, 2014 (Tuesday)Squamish River FSR Ashlu MainSecond Trip |
Liked: The great view at the end. The road is in a fairly decent shape too. Of note: Remote wilderness area. No cell phone signal. Grizzly bears in the vicinity. Creek crossing required. There isn't much to see until you reach the end of the hike. Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Backroad Mapbook (2010 edition) Coordinates for the Beginning of the FSR: Page 21 (Phantom Lake) G2. Related Website: Squamish District FSR Conditions. Previous Trip: Squamish River FSR - Ashlu Main and A-600. Nearby FSR Trips: Squamish River Main, Squamish River Ashlu, Squamish River E-Main, Squamish River FSR Washout. Other Forest Service Roads Trips: Chehalis (by Harrison Mills), Chilliwack Bench, Chilliwack Foley, Chilliwack Lake, Chuchinka-Colbourne (North of Prince George), Clear Creek (off Harrison East), Florence Lake (access to Stave Lake by Mission), Harrison East, Harrison East Second Trip, Harrison West, Jones Lake (near Hope), Lost Creek (by Mission), Mamquam River (by Squamish), Nahatlatch (near Boston Bar), Parsnip West (by Mackenzie), Scuzzy (by Boston Bar), Shovel Creek (off Harrison East), Sowaqua Creek (by Hope), Windfall Creek (by Tumbler Ridge). Follow @ihikebc Tweet![]() We have already hiked Ashlu Main FSR just over three years ago. Check out that trip report for detailed directions to the Ashlu Dam view, which would be the beginning of this hike. So, this year we decided to go further because three years ago someone told us there was a great view on that road, which we did not see the last time due to not hiking far enough. It is possible to drive on this part of Ashlu Main all the way to the dilapidated bridge close to the final destination of our hike, though check out photo #3. 1. A photo from 2011 shows Ashlu Dam View, the beginning of our hike. Coordinates: N 49⁰56.147' W 123⁰22.716'. This is by far the best view of the hike until...well, stay tuned :)
2. It's fairly easy to hike on this road - the surface is sturdy, and the road is wide. There are many uphill stretches, but they are not too steep. Biking on this road should be quite good as well.
3. Half an hour into the hike, your main challenge awaits - a creek just wide and deep enough to make it impossible to cross without getting your feet wet. We took off the boots and then dried the feet on the other side. But check out the sign on the right side - it says: "The Ashlu Forest Service Road is closed beyond this point to all motorized vehicles between April 1 and June 15 to reduce disturbance to grizzly bears."
4. Nice river view a bit further down the road. A slight zoom used.
5. Fifteen minutes later, a small but powerful waterfall appears on your right.
6. A closer look at the waterfall.
7. Continuing on Squamish River Ashlu Main FSR.
8. Forty-five minutes after the waterfall, you would reach this split, where straight ahead is A-1000 road, and, to the left, is Ashlu Main. Coordinates: N 49⁰58.672' W 123⁰29.374'. We turned left, just like three years ago.
9. And, shortly thereafter, this old bridge offers good river views.
10. This bridge looked slightly better three years ago, but still feels sturdy enough for crossing on foot.
11. River view from the bridge.
Here is our video of the views from this location:
12. Moving on.
13. Three years ago we turned around at the bridge seen in the photos above. Today, we went ten minutes further and saw this.
14. A closer look.
16. Zooming in.
Here is our video of the gorge and the surrounding area:
More ihikebc videos are on our YouTube Channel 17. And here is the continuation of Ashlu Main. It is badly overgrown beyond this point, so we headed back.
18. Driving back to Vancouver on Highway 99 Sea-to-Sky. Passing through Squamish, with Stawamus Chief (a great hike) in front of us.
Ashlu Main is a good hike, which leads to a great view. The round-trip hike time would be around five hours.
Other Trips in Squamish Area:
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