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Trip 323 -  September 18, 2024 (Wednesday)

Sunshine Mountain Trail Hike

Near Bralorne, BC

Page 3 of 4

Trailhead Location: At the end of Noel Creek Forest Service Road, 4.4 km from Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada.

Liked: Bralorne Powder Club clubhouse by the trailhead, valley and mountain views, alpine views, shade in the forest, no bugs.

Of Note: Remote wilderness area, high altitude trail, dangerous trail in the alpine due to steepness and loose rocks - suitable for properly equipped experienced hikers only, hiking poles and boots are essential in the alpine (recommended up to that point), motorized traffic (motorcycles) possible up to the alpine, Noel Creek FSR to Sunshine Mountain Trail trailhead requires at least a medium clearance vehicle past the 2.3 km split due to cross-ditches (or the hike would be extended by 2 km each way), 2WD ok all the way (with good tires), several steep stretches on Noel Creek FSR past the 2.3 km split, watch for a bump at the end of the FSR - long wheelbase vehicles with insufficient clearance might get high-centered.

Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Backroad Mapbook (2019 edition) Coordinates : Page 51 (Gold Bridge) B6.


Sunshine Mountain Trail is located near Bralorne, BC, which itself can be found 12 km from the end of 103 km-long BC Highway 40, which connects Lillooet with Gold Bridge. This trail has four distinctive parts: an unremarkable hike through a forest, then a neat sub-alpine area, then a dangerous trek across steep and loose-surfaced stretch of the alpine area, followed by a very pleasant nearly flat alpine area close to the peak of Sunshine Mountain.

Unless you are a well-equipped experienced hiker, please limit the hike to the sub-alpine, as the alpine area is a disaster waiting to happen, unless you know what you are doing and have hiking poles and boots. We have all of the above and still managed to fall twice, broke a hiking pole, injured an elbow, and suffered a minor abrasion. The fine views made up for the hurt, but it is a very remote trail, and help will take a long time to arrive should you ever need it.

* All trail distances are based on a GPS odometer and are approximate.

64. Now at the 4.76 km mark of Sunshine Mountain Trail near Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada.

65. Somewhat steep, and still loose stones all around. At 5.06 km.

66. Looking back from the same spot.

67. 70 meters later.

68. At 5.18 km of the trail, we are close to a "saddle", which marks the end of the climbing.

69. At 5.23 km, we have reached the saddle. Coordinates: N 5043.406' W 12246.496'. Elevation: 2,225 meters. The peak is to the left, but there is a fairly large and quite a neat alpine area to be explored straight ahead.

70. At 5.34 km, we are hiking in the (more or less) flat alpine area, with fine views all around.

71. A neat small tree at the 5.47 km mark of Sunshine Mountain hike.

72. The same valley on the right side that we saw earlier in the hike (photo #50). At 5.53 km here.

73. Very fine colours at 5.59 km. We are heading towards a prominent bump in the upper middle-right of the photo.

74. At 5.66 km of Sunshine Mountain Trail.

75. At 5.72 km, we are almost at the bump.

76. And here it is, 200 meters later. Coordinates: N 5043.187' W 12246.147'. Elevation: 2,270 meters.

77-88. Here are 360 degree views from the bump, left to right, followed by three panoramas. Photo #82 shows Sunshine Peak in its entirety.

Here is our video of the views from this location.

More ihikebc videos are on our YouTube Channel.

Our Sunshine Mountain Trail Hike trip report Concludes on Page 4.

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ihikebc.com Trip 323 - Sunshine Mountain Trail Hike (near Bralorne, BC) Page 3 of 4