Trip 137 - July 13, 2018 (Friday)Mount Murray HikeVia Jubilee Trail and Yellowhawk Trail Near Wells and Barkerville, British Columbia Page 2 of 2 |
Liked: Jubilee Trail - mountain views at the end. Yellowhawk Trail - mountain views, lake view, communication tower view. The ability to walk in a loop (start one trail, finish another, then connect via Bowron Lake Road). Of Note: Jubilee Trail - overgrown in many places, a few fallen trees, several muddy sections, hordes of mosquitoes. Hiking poles, hiking boots, long-sleeved shirt and long pants are highly recommended. Yellowhawk Trail - one very steep stretch with loose surface, a lot of mosquitoes. Hiking poles and boots are essential. Cariboo Chilcotin Coast BC Backroad Mapbook (4th edition) Trailhead Coordinates: Page 58 (Barkerville) A6. Other Trips in Wells and Barkerville Area: Two Sisters Trail, Barkerville National Historic Site. Bowron Lake Road off Highway 26 in central British Columbia leads to famous Bowron Lake Provincial Park. It also leads to less famous Yellowhawk and Jubilee trails. These trails start about 3 kilometers apart off Bowron Lake Road, and both lead to Mount Murray. While Jubilee trail is more or less abandoned and is getting slowly overgrown, Yellowhawk trail is used substantially more, and is in a much better shape. Jubilee trail also features the most mosquitoes we have ever seen on a hike. At one point, in sub-alpine, there were at least two hundred of them, buzzing in an excited insect cloud around us, making an associated noise and making it hard to enjoy impressive views. Yellowhawk trail wasn't as bad, but, still, about a hundred mosquitoes made a group attack at one point, and there was at least one bloodsucker near us just about at any time throughout the entire 7+ hours round-trip hike. Also, there was a short (a hundred meters or so) but very steep stretch closer to the end of Yellowhawk Trail, with loose surface made of dirt and small stones, thus the "essential" requirement for hiking poles and boots. We started out hike towards Mount Murray on Jubilee Trail, and returned via Yellowhawk Trail. We then hiked a few kilometers on Bowron Lake Road to get back to our vehicle.
25. We then started heading towards the communication tower on our right, which is where the end of Yellowhawk Trail is located.
26. Getting closer.
27. This is definitely the most "view rich" part of the circle hike.
28. Almost there.
29. And now we are by the tower, looking around. Coordinates: N 53⁰07.852' W 121⁰27.427'. Elevation: 1,983 meters.
30. Another view from the end of Yellowhawk Trail.
31. And one more.
32. We then started going back via Yellowhawk Trail, which is in a much better condition than Jubilee Trail. Very shortly, there was this small mountain lake.
33. Quite picturesque.
34. The "rock cairns" guide you into the woods.
35. Here is the path.
36. A neat view to the left - you would need to walk for about 15 meters to see it.
37. And, then, a very steep stretch of about 200 meters, with loose dirt and stones. Can't do without hiking poles and boots here. This is just a small part - it actually is much longer.
38. How about these cones.
39. Then, there was this "hump bypass". Not sure what that's all about, but it definitely won't bypass that super steep stretch, as the hump bypass starts and ends before that stretch. This would be the end of the hump bypass, if you hike Yellowhawk Trail from Bowron Lake Rd.
40. This map might make things a bit more clear.
41. And here is the beginning of the hump bypass further down the trail, as we were descending.
42. Yellowhawk Trail closer to Bowron Lake Rd trailhead.
43. There was a short overgrown stretch there, but nowhere near as bad as on Jubilee Trail.
44. Finally, we are at the Yellowhawk trailhead. Coordinates: N 53⁰06.367' W 121⁰29.338'. Elevation: 1,285 meters (698 meters elevation loss from the communication tower end of trail location).
45. To the right is a promised jumbo jet parking area.
And then we hiked back for 40 minutes to our vehicle parked at the Jubilee trailhead. So, yeah, an interesting circle tour, with some seriously good views near the top of Mount Murray. If you wouldn't mind one of the worst mosquito assaults ever, this might be a fine hiking adventure. Trip 137 - Mount Murray Hike (near Wells/Barkerville BC) Page 2 of 2 |