Trip 052 - August 2, 2011 (Tuesday)Mount Gardner Trail HikeBowen Island BC Canada Page 2 of 2 |
Distance From Vancouver to the Trailhead: About 20 kilometers via Lions Gate Bridge to Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal. Then, take a 25 minute ferry ride to Bowen Island. After that, drive for 5 minutes to the trailhead on Mount Gardner Road. Liked: Great panoramic views of Vancouver Island and mainland Metro Vancouver. Interesting forest. Of note:
intersecting and splitting paths with somewhat inadequate signage and
occasionally missing trail markings (as well as frequent wide-open
forest areas with no obvious path, and every now and then misleading
flagging tape) make it a difficult hike. It is easy to take a wrong turn
and walk for a long time before knowing it, so allow for at least 8
hours to get to the North Summit (best views) and back, unless you know
exactly how to get there. The path is mostly easy, but there are some
difficult forest stretches and several steep gravel road parts. Hiking
boots and poles are recommended.
Related Website: Bowen Island Official Site. Other Trips on Bowen Island: Dorman Point Trail Hike, Bowen Island Ferry Trip. Follow @ihikebc Tweet ![]()
17. Less than twenty minutes after checking out the great views seen in photo #15, you would come to this tree with two small signs, one of which directs you to Mount Gardner North Summit. Thus, turn left.
18. And, right away, admire the remains of a fairly large animal, which, hopefully, died in peace.
19. Five minutes later, the flagging tape disappears, and you get to see this view. Keep climbing - the North Summit is very close.
20. In about ten minutes, we are there! Here is the promised technological debris.
21. But, wait, there is more.
22. There are two helicopter pads at the North Summit, with the first one allowing to observe Metro Vancouver, and the other one facing Vancouver Island. They are also great for dropping down and taking a rest after an exhausting hike.
23. Let's start with Metro Vancouver mainland, and go left to right.
24. Those mountains up close. Big zoom.
25. Slightly to the right now. Snug Cove (Bowen Island) is seen in the middle of the photo. No zoom.
26. We zoomed in a bit later to check out Queen of Capilano ferry arriving to Bowen Island.
127. A bit more to the right. That's West Vancouver far ahead. No zoom.
28. Using some zoom now. Same area. West Vancouver's Lighthouse Park is in the middle of the photo. Vancouver is seen far ahead.
29. Yet more to the right and with a 12x zoom we see Lions Gate Bridge and a bit of Stanley Park on the right side.
30. Same zoom and even further to the right we see the rest of Stanley Park, as well as downtown Vancouver.
Here is our video of Metro Vancouver from the North Summit of Mt. Gardner:
More ihikebc videos are on our YouTube Channel. 31. Now from the other helicopter pad and looking the other way we see Vancouver Island. No zoom.
32. When going back, you can either return the same way you came, or complete a loop by taking a trail located at the end of all those buildings on top of the mountain. Here is the beginning of that trail.
Mount Gardner Trail: one of the hardest to navigate, but great views from the top of the North Summit.
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