Trip 063 - August of 2013Boundary Bay to Port HardyFlight in a Cessna 172 Page 2 of 3 |
22. The rain cloud was a small one, and, soon, there was yet another nice view.
23. But not for long. The cloud hanging right in front was bad enough, but, ahead, it looked like the ceiling dropped all the way to the water. At this point we were thinking about turning back, despite flying for nearly two hours to get so close to Port Hardy. However, remembering that visibility at the airport was eight miles, we decided to fly around this cloud on the right side, away from the mountains.
24. This turned out to be the right decision, and Port Hardy airport appeared on the horizon. By the way, the forecast was for the ceiling not lower than 3,000 feet. But water, mountains, and lots of moisture in the air resulted in unpredictable conditions.
25. At the end of the runway after the touchdown, turning toward the parking area at the other end of the apron.
26. Now looking back from the parking area. The airplane taking off is Pacific Coastal Airlines turboprop, the only airline with regular service to Port Hardy. Pacific Coastal flies to Port Hardy from Vancouver, and, on some flights, continues on to Bella Bella.
27. Here is our Cessna 172 parked in Port Hardy. We burned more than half of our fuel (the tanks hold 40 gallons), so it was definitely a good idea to refuel. In the photo above you can see the service station on the left side. All you need to do is go inside, tell the serviceman what kind of fuel you need, and they dispatch a truck to your plane.
28. Fuel truck refuelling our Cessna. After that, you go back into their office and pay for the fuel. Credit cards are accepted. If you want to refuel after business hours (8 AM to 8 PM, if we recall correctly), there is an extra $100 charge, as someone would have to come from home to help you out.
29. The tanks are full, time to take off and fly home.
30. Good-bye, Port Hardy!
31. Beautiful views again. Looks like the weather had improved. It's good to be going home.
32. But wait, what's this ahead?
33. No doubt about it - the ceiling has dropped right to the water about fifteen minutes after we left Port Hardy. There are mountains to the right, and there is a vast empty space to the left.
34. We definitely did not want to wait until the clouds went away, as it was anyone's guess whether the way back to Port Hardy would remain clear. So, we descended to about a thousand feet, and made a circle above a tug, which could also be seen in the photo above (white arrow pointing to it). Still, we could not see through the cloud, and were definitely not going to fly through it, as it's illegal without an instrument rating and an IFR flight plan, and, with mountains nearby, just plain wrong. So, we turned around and headed back to Port Hardy.
35. Looks like it was a good decision not to circle for too long, as the weather started to deteriorate on the way back too.
36. But, on the positive side, snapped this photo of a helipad, a lighthouse, and a few houses on the Western tip of Malcolm Island.
37. Port Hardy airport looked more familiar now.
38. Missed us? Missed you too.
39. Back at our parking spot. A business jet has recently arrived.
40. N341K is a Learjet 45, belonging to Kiewit Corporation.
41. Pacific Coastal turboprop has arrived as well.
42. C-GPCQ is a Saab340a. Yes, Saab makes airplanes too, surprisingly.
Our Trip Report Continues on Page 3.
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