Trip 183 - May 15, 2020 (Friday) and October 3, 2023 (Tuesday)McGillivray Creek Trail HikeBetween Lytton and Lillooet BC Canada Page 2 of 2 |
Liked: Several fine mountain views, a neat sub-alpine, shade in the forest, no bugs. Of Note: Remote wilderness area. Lots of snow on the trail until late in the season, some manure on the trail, a few fallen trees, several steep stretches with loose stones. Hiking poles and boots are essential. Navigation could be difficult at times - a GPS is highly recommended. Vancouver, Coast & Mountains BC Backroad Mapbook (2nd edition) Approximate Trailhead Coordinates: Page 44 (Lillooet) C7. Another Trip off McGillivray Creek FSR: BC Highway 12 Valley Lookout Trail. We found out about McGillivray Creek Trail from the second edition of "Canyon to Alpine" book, describing hikes in the Lillooet area. The book promised good views, and so we went. The access to the trailhead is via a deactivated McGillivray Creek Forest Service Road. This FSR is in decent shape but, alas, at the 6.1 mark there was a slide in May of 2020 (fixed as of October 2023), which would have stopped all but very capable 4x4 vehicles and ATVs. Fortunately, the trailhead was not too far from the slide, but it did add almost 7 kilometers round-trip hiking in May of 2020. There are several creek crossings on McGillivray Creek Trail. The creek was narrow enough that no wading was required, so our flip-flops remained in the backpack, but hiking poles proved very useful in jumping over those creek crossings. There were no signs or flagging tape, and the trail, at times, disappeared, but the direction of travel was, mostly, quite obvious. On May 15th, because of deep snow and an extra 3.4 km we had to hike to the trailhead, we did not get to the end, though there were still some decent views to be had. However, the main attraction of the hike was still ahead of us, so we decided to return. Thus, the first page of this trip report describes our May 15th hike, while the second page talks about the rest of the trail, which we visited on October 3, 2023. *All trail distances are based on a GPS odometer and are approximate.
38. On October 3, 2023, we returned to McGillivray Creek Trail and managed to finished it this time around. We restart our coverage with a photo of Midway Mountain, located at 2.9 km from the trailhead.
39. The trail past Midway Mountain goes through a featureless forest for a bit, first along the creek, and then away from the creek. At 4.1 km here.
40. Now at 4.65 km of McGillivray Creek Trail.
41. A rather confusing spot arrives at the 5.0 km mark of the trail, as this area is a bit overgrown.
42. Basically, keep going straight and slightly left. There is this open area 20 meters later. It would be the best to have a GPS and get to the next point using GPS coordinates.
43. 70 meters past the open area seen in the photo above. Coordinates: N 50⁰35.027’ W 121⁰41.172’. Elevation: 1,930 meters.
44. A small camping area at 5.35 km of McGillivray Creek Trail.
45. 40 meters later.
46. And this is where you eventually want to end up, no matter how you get here - at 5.5 km from the trailhead is the start of sub-alpine. Coordinates: N 50⁰35.145’ W 121⁰40.994’. Elevation: 1,960 meters. From here to the apparent end of the trail (end of the climb and reaching a plateau of sorts) is about 560 meters. It took us much longer on the way up as we meandered around trying to find the best way forward.
47. 25 meters later. Keep a bit right while climbing up.
48. At 75 meters, it is becoming obvious which way to proceed.
49. At 270 meters, we are in a shallow valley and the path is quite clear - straight and up.
50. Now at 450 meters of sub-alpine.
51. Looking left.
52. At the 565 meter mark.
53. Looking back at 805 meter of sub-alpine.
54. At 980 meters, we see a mountain peak ahead.
55. At 1.03 km (took only 560 meters back), we have reached a plateau and this just might be the end of McGillivray Creek Trail. The mountain ahead could be Blustry Mountain, but not 100% sure. Coordinates: N 50⁰35.574’ W 121⁰41.033’. Elevation: 2,160 meters. Sub-alpine climb grade: 35% (likely a bit less). Total trail grade: 16%.
56. Here is Blustery (?) Mountain with a zoom. Appears to be easily climbable.
Here is our video of the views from this location.
More ihikebc videos are on our YouTube Channel. 57-58. We didn't have time to go much further, so went a bit to the left. Good views (plain and zoomed).
McGillivray Creek Trail, despite the snow staying till late in the season, is not very difficult and offers many good views plus the ability to explore much further. Highly recommended.
Other Trips in Lillooet Area: Trip 183 - McGillivray Creek Trail Hike (near Lillooet BC) Page 2 of 2 |